
Showing posts from May, 2022


Never knew these interesting facts related to *Books*_ 1. *Dog's EAR*....while reading a book when we get up we fold the corner of the page we were reading. That is known as Dog's Ear.  2. *Librocubicularist*...the person who reads book lying on the bed. 3. *Epeolatry*...a person who worships words. Tries to string out the sweetness from every word. This is found mainly with Linguists. 4. *Logophile*...a person who is fascinated with words. 5. *Bibliosmia*...The smell of old books.  6. *Book bosomed*... A person who cannot stay a moment without books. 7. *Omnilegent*...A person who reads all types of books without judging the subject.l 8. *BallyCumber*...Books which are half read. These books are called BallyCumber. 9. *Tsundoku* is a Japanese word. There is no English word for it. This means that after purchase the book was not opened even once.  10. *Princep*...The first printed copy of any book is called Princep. 11. *Sesquipedalian*... A word which has many Syllable su