
Showing posts from July, 2020



How to improve oneself.

How to improve oneself.     1. Detoxify your speech. Reduce the use of negative   words. Be polite.     2. Read everyday. Doesn’t matter what. Choose whatever interests you.     3. Promise yourself that you will never talk rudely .      4. Observe people around you. Imbibe their virtues.     5. Spend some time with nature everyday.     6. No ego. No ego. No ego. Just learn, learn and learn.     7. Do not hesitate to clarify a doubt. “He who asks a question remains fool for 5 minutes. He who does not ask remains a fool forever”.     8. Whatever you do, do it with full involvement. That’s meditation.     9. Keep distance from people who give you negative vibes but never hold grudges.     10. Stop comparing yourself with others. If you won’t stop, you will never know your own potential.     11. “The biggest failure in life is the failure to try”. Always remember this.     12. “I cried as I had no shoes until I saw a man who had no feet”. Never complain.     13


PALINDROME 1: civic 2: Dewed 3: deified 4: dad 5: mom 6: devoved 7: Hannah 8: peeweep 9: repaper 10: kayak 11: minim 12: radar 13: murdrum 14: Malayalam 15: madam 16: lemel 17: level 18: racecar 19: radar 20: redder 21: bob 22: pop 23: tot 24: refer 25: reviver 26: rotator 27: rotavator 28: stats 29: solos 30: tenet 31: terret 32: testset 33: Kinikinik 34: Wassamassaw 35: Yreka Bakery 36: Navan 37: Cain: a maniac. 38: A Toyota. 38: Race fast, safe car. 39.RACECAR 40.MALAYALAM 41.EVE 42.LEVEL 43DEED 44.ROTOR 45.CIVIC 46.POP 47.MADAM 48.EYE 49.NUN 50.RADAR 51.TOOT

The difference between intelligence and wisdom

The difference between intelligence and wisdom 1.        intelligence leads to arguments, wisdom leads to settlements 2.        intelligence is power of will, wisdom is power over will 3.        intelligence is heat, it burns, wisdom is warmth, it comforts 4.        intelligence is pursuit of knowledge, it tires the seeker, wisdom is pursuit of truth, it inspires the seeker 5.        intelligence is holding on, wisdom is letting go 6.        intelligence leads you, wisdom guides you 7.        an intelligent man thinks he knows everything, a wise man knows there is still something to learn 8.        an intelligent man always tries to prove his point, a wise man knows there really is no point 9.        an intelligent man freely gives unsolicited advice, a wise man keeps his counsel until all options are considered 10.     an intelligent man understands what is being sad, a wise man understands what is left unsaid 11.     an intelligent man speaks when he has to s

Why English is so hard to learn
